Capturing events, using component view

Is there a way to capture events using component view ? just like InMeetingServiceListener on cliente view component ?

Can anyone help ? i’ts a simple question.

Hi @matheuspiffer

Thanks for reaching out to Zoom Developer Forum!
Here you can find the reference for the events that are available for Component view as for right now.

I have not done a lot of testing on my end but I will keep testing and come back to you if I get some more insights.

These type of callbacks do not work in “Component View”:

	ZoomMtg.inMeetingServiceListener('onUserJoin', function (data)
		console.log('inMeetingServiceListener onUserJoin', data);

Is there an alternative as we need to know when guests join and leave the meeting in our app. They work just fine in the “Client View”

@emdrremote We don’t currently have InMeetingServiceListeners for the Embedded Meeting Client but we do plan to add this in the future.


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