catch pasword of meeting from request

Hi folks

In my android app, I’m using a webview which catches request to open Zoom meeting.

If a non-host tries to enter a meeting required parameters are in the url like this. 790912691?tk=NM0Pr6UDrHHBiubCH2aEzls-LRY98qTW4GY9sppfYeM.DQEAAAAALyResxZQaUZQbFk2SFF2ZTZhdmZGaGhPWVdBAA&pwd= kKtRCR30ZQ5mhYpRK-USOg

Bold  ones are meeting id and password for the meeting. These are required.

If host of meeting tries to enter the meeting, request is like this. 790912691?zpk=F2anhOtkAsMKaTndg9MTiHOUI4LOCnM895EhTi3TDmY.AwckYjgzYTBjNzItM

here url does NOT contain password parameter. How can I use zpk parameter? to join the meeting ?

Also should I use tk parameter?


Hi Yusuf,

you don’t need password parameter for host, zpk will contain host information when you pass the URL to Zoom cloud. On Zoom backend, we will authenticate the zpk and get host information.



Hi Wei

Android API has 4 methods for joining meeting.

int joinMeeting(Context var1, String var2, String var3);

int joinMeeting(Context var1, String var2, String var3, String var4);

int joinMeeting(Context var1, String var2, String var3, MeetingOptions var4);

int joinMeeting(Context var1, String var2, String var3, String var4, MeetingOptions var5);

If host tries to join meeting s/he also needs to provide required parameters such as meetingId and password. If not then it prompts “Please enter your password”

Is there are way to convert zpk to extract meeting password. I need password but I have ZPK.


Hi Yusuf,

why do you need to use join Meeting APIs for host? 

you can use start meeting APIs for host, and the required information is token and meeting ID if you are using APP key and secret to authenticate. So no need for password.
