Changing chat privilege in main session affects subsessions

I don’t know if this is intended but appears to be problematic for us. It happens that when the host modifies the chat privilege in the main session, the subsessions are affected.

Which Web Video SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Join meeting as host and participant
  2. Change chat privilege to no one
  3. Open subsessions and make the participant join a subsession
  4. Try to chat and see error. Chat box opens but messages are not sent.

Hey @godwin.owonam

Thanks for your feedback.

It’s by design.

Chat privilege changs will affect both the main session and subsessions.


Hi @vic.yang

Thanks for your reply.

But what do you think of these use cases.


  1. Subsessions started
  2. Host is not in any of the subsessions
  3. Host changes chat privilege so that no one can chat
  4. Users in subsessions want to chat with each other but cannot.


  1. Subsessions started.
  2. Host is in one of the subsessions
  3. Host changes chat privilege so that no one can chat
  4. Users in other subsessions want to chat with each other but cannot.

Also a few things I have noticed with the chat privilege.

  1. When chat privilege is changed after subsessions have started it is not updated in the Subsessions (or maybe I am missing something in my implementation but this is what I noticed). As such users can type messages but cannot send.

Hey @godwin.owonam

We currently cannot support changing chat privileges in a subsessions. The chat privilege in the subsessions is the same as that in the main session.

We will improve the error prompt in the next version.


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