Closed caption sequence number


I am looking to build a closed caption application, I have got a test working fine with the POST API however one issue I have is that if different users want to caption the same meeting at different times (so one does the first hour, another does the next) then as far as I can see the first user would need to send their final sequence number to the second user, otherwise the second user’s captions wouldn’t be displayed.

Is there a way to reset the sequence index? Or alternatively is there any harm with me using the current time (in ms) as the sequence number, as then I know the captions will always be in order even though some sequence numbers will be missed?

Hey @richard1,

Just so we are on the same page, are you referring to this process?



Yes - this is it, what I am finding at the moment is that if I am sending a caption for the first time, or after a long gap from the previous, and start with a sequence of 0 then all is just about fine, however if the sequemce number misses some steps, or reverts back to an earlier number then things go wrong.

Ideally I would have a way of telling zoom to reset the sequence count to zero so that if i need to re-start my application then it can do this. Otherwise I will need to cache the current sequence number but this does leave some room for error.



Hey @richard1,

Please reach out to, they will be able to better assist since this endpoint is seperate from the Zoom Developer Platform.


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