Concurrent Meeting Issue

Hi, I have taken the Zoom Pro plan which supports up to 9 licensed users but I can run only 2 parallel meetings at a time.
Also, suggest to me what changes should I make in creating meeting AP payload I to support concurrent meetings.
Zoom Meeting Paylod for creating meeting API:

‘topic’ => $topic,
‘type’ => 2,
‘start_time’ => $startTime,
‘duration’ => $duration,
‘timezone’ => ‘Asia/Kolkata’,
‘password’ => ‘zoom123’,
‘agenda’ => ‘Learn how to use the Zoom API’,
‘whiteboard’ => true,
‘settings’ => [
‘host_video’ => true,
‘participant_video’ => true,
‘join_before_host’ => true,
‘mute_upon_entry’ => true,
‘watermark’ => false,
‘use_pmi’ => false,
‘waiting_room’ => false,
‘approval_type’ => 2,
‘registration_type’ => 2,
‘audio’ => ‘both’,
‘auto_recording’ => ‘cloud’,
‘enforce_login’ => false,
‘enforce_login_domains’ => ‘’,
‘alternative_hosts’ => ‘’,
‘global_dial_in_countries’ => ,
‘registrants_email_notification’ => true,
‘recurrence’ => [
“type” => 1,
“repeat_interval” => 1,
“weekly_days” => “2”,
“end_times” => 10

Hi @abhijit.a

When you say concurrent meetings, do you mean simultaneous meetings from the same user?

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