Crash after upgrading to 6.1.1

After upgrading the meeting sdk to version 6.1.1 our users began experiencing a crash (stacktrace below)

Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'com.zipow.videobox.denpendent.ZmBizDependentProvider com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.getBizDependentProvider()' on a null object reference
       at com.zipow.videobox.mainboard.ZmMainBoardMgr.getMainboard(
       at us.zoom.proguard.yh4.a(
       at com.zipow.videobox.conference.ui.ZmConfActivity.onCreate(
       at com.whova.bulletin_board.activities.ZoomMeetingActivity.onCreate(
       at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
       at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
       at android.os.Looper.loop(
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Which Android Meeting SDK version?

To Reproduce
Not sure exactly but from the crash logs it appears to happen when the user brings the app to the foreground when they are in a zoom meeting.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):
So far:

  • Pixel6
  • Galaxy S22+
  • Orbic joy 4g

Thanks for any help you can provide!

@chunsiong.zoom tagging to see if this could be looked into. Thanks!

@chunsiong.zoom following up on this one to see if there’s any more information we can provide that would be of use. The crash has occurred 34 times for our users since we upgraded to version 6.1.1, 1.5 weeks ago. Thanks

Following up on this one to see if there’s any update on this crash. Thanks!

Hi @dan1994 ,

Thanks for posting on our dev forum.
The crash here seems to be not initializing the SDK before joining a meeting. Would you please try to add a check to make sure the meeting can be started/joined only when the SDK is initialized?
Thank you.


@elaine.ku Thanks for the reply. We only join the meeting in the onZoomSDKInitializeResult callback of ZoomSDKInitializeListener. We first check that the initialization was successful and then proceed to join the meeting if it was. We have been using the SDK for a long time in our app and just started seeing the crash after upgrading to version 6.1.1. Could there be some other issue leading to this crash?

Thanks a lot for your help

@elaine.ku would just like to note that we upgraded to version 6.1.1 from version 5.17.6. The changelog for 5.17.10 mentions some changes to the initialization logic. Is it possible that could be related?

@elaine.ku I would also like to add that from the crashlytics logs, we can see that the crash almost always happens within the first second of the user’s app session. Suggesting it potentially happens when they bring the app from background to foreground when they’re in a zoom meeting. We have not been able to reproduce it however.


Hi @dan1994

In the crash dump, the null pointer happens because the instance VideoBoxApplication is null. In our SDK, we’ll create VideoBoxApplication during SDK initialization. Please send me the SDK log file for the crash through message if possible. Thank you.


Thanks @elaine.ku. Thus far we have been unable to reproduce it on our own devices after many hours of trying so we cannot provide the sdk logs. From our crashlytics logs we can see that it has happened to 237 of our users this week so it’s a bit of an urgent matter for us. Do you have any suggestions for how we might be able to reproduce it so that we can get the sdk logs?

Thanks a lot for all of the help.

@elaine.ku Hi Elaine, just following up on this one to see if there’s any advice you might have regarding how we could reproduce the crash to get the sdk logs. Thanks a lot!

Hi @dan1994 ,

I’m not quite sure how to reproduce the crash since this is the first time I’ve seen this type of crash. Have you tried to make the App stay in the background for a while causing the JWT token to expire? Please check the token’s “tokenExp” to see when the token will expire. You’ll need to re-initialize the SDK when the token is expired.
Thank you.


circling back to this one to check whether there’s any more data we can give that would be useful. The accident has happened multiple times for our clients since we moved up to form 6.1.1, 1.5 weeks prior. Much appreciated