Crash in Zoom SDK

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Meeting SDK Type and Version
Meeting SDK for Android and Version is v5.16.1.16439

I updated the SDK to the latest version and it is crashing for some users with class not found exception, also I did not even enable proguard in my app


Fatal Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Failed resolution of: Lus/zoom/proguard/w22;

us.zoom.feature.videoeffects.ui.ZmVideoEffectsActivity.setupViews (ZmVideoEffectsActivity.kt:1)

us.zoom.feature.videoeffects.ui.ZmVideoEffectsActivity.onCreate (ZmVideoEffectsActivity.kt:34) (

arrow_drop_down (

Troubleshooting Routes
I am not able to reproduce this on my phone

How To Reproduce

HI @muraliiith
Arey ou still having this issue?

Hey Elisa, thanks for checking with me. Yes this is still happening and this is top crash in the app and there is another one below that which is also from zoom sdk, highly appreciate if you guys can look into it.