Create an API in CRM D365 to send invite painelist\ speaker manual

Is it possible to disable the webinar function of sending the registration email to speaker automatically? is there any way to leave the manual shipping by CRM

You can disable the webinar function of sending the registration email to speaker automatically by unchecking the box in the webinar settings or CRM. Then, you can manually send the email to speakers using the CRM.

These are the steps on how to do it in the CRM:

  1. Go to the “Speakers” module.
  2. Select the speaker that you want to send the email to.
  3. Click on the “Send Registration Email” button.
  4. Enter the speaker’s name and the webinar registration information in the email template.
  5. Just send the email.

Regarding the automatic registration email to speakers for webinars, it might be doable to disable it through customization. You could delve into CRM settings or seek expert advice for a solution tailored to your needs. If you’re looking for such an expert, check out Sugar CRM, especially its sugar customer relationship management solutions. They offer reliable services that could be a great fit for your requirements. Wishing you success with your project!