Create meeting settings approval type always 2

Hi, I am facing the same problem. Meeting type is set to scheduled, and I’m unable to change approval_type (it’s always 2, event if I make a specific PATCH request with this field only). May I ask how did you resolved this issue?

Hi @aboutroots,

Are you using a free account? If yes, you cant create a meeting that requires registration. This is the reason, the API returns, “approval_Type:2”. If you want to continue using the API, please upgrade your account to a PRO or higher level. You can visit here to know more about zoom plans.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Yes, indeed I am using a free account. I didn’t know about that limitation, it makes sense. I must say that I would expect a status of 403 or a note in the api documentation about that, though :smile: thanks!

Hi @aboutroots,

Thank you for the feedback. I will pass it on to our documentation engineers so that they could make the necessary changes.


1 Like

@ojus.zoom I have a pro account- there appears to be yet another undocumented limitation on the use of approval type 1. It does not seem to work if meeting type is 3. If I set meeting type to 8 then I can use approval type 1, but the REST API for adding a registrant stops working. Apparently one can only add registrants via the API if approval type is 0 (which defeats the whole purpose of what I’m trying since it allows anyone in). I’m trying to restrict participation in a meeting to just those registrants that have been approved. Is it possible to do this?

Hey @dtzoom,

This is possible. Please share your request url and body so I can debug.


I have this same problem. Paid account, request meeting with registration, approval_type 1 (registration required, manually approve, unique URLs), but the response is approval_type 2 (no registration, generic meeting URL).

My goal is to use an external database to manage meeting creation, registration, and participant meeting communications. I need to have registration enabled so every participant has their own access URL, i.e. no sharing of a generic meeting URL.


curl --location --request POST ‘
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer redacted
–data-raw ‘{
“topic”: “Test API Meeting request type 1, get type 2”,
“type”: 2,
“start_time”: “2020-06-15T18:00:00”,
“duration”: 60,
“timezone”: “America/Los_Angeles”,
“password”: “redacted”,
“agenda”: “approval type request is 1, response is 2. This is a paid account with one user.”
“settings”: {
“host_video”: true,
“participant_video”: true,
“cn_meeting”: false,
“in_meeting”: false,
“join_before_host”: false,
“mute_upon_entry”: false,
“watermark”: false,
“use_pmi”: false,
“approval_type”: 1, :grinning:
“audio”: “both”,
“auto_recording”: “local”,
“alternative_hosts”: “none”,
“close_registration”: true,
“waiting_room”: true,
“contact_name”: “MLD Foundation”,
“contact_email”: “”,
“registrants_email_notification”: true,

And the Response:

“uuid”: “redacted”,
“id”: 835024redacted,
“host_id”: “redacted”,
“topic”: “Test API Meeting request type 1, get type 2”,
“type”: 2,
“status”: “waiting”,
“start_time”: “2020-06-16T01:00:00Z”,
“duration”: 60,
“timezone”: “America/Los_Angeles”,
“agenda”: “approval type request is 1, response is 2. This is a paid account with one user.”,
“created_at”: “2020-06-11T22:02:44Z”,
“start_url”: “Launch Meeting - Zoom*”,
“join_url”: “Launch Meeting - Zoom*”,
“password”: “redacted”,
“h323_password”: “redacted”,
“pstn_password”: “redacted”,
“encrypted_password”: “redacted”,
“settings”: {
“host_video”: true,
“participant_video”: true,
“cn_meeting”: false,
“in_meeting”: false,
“join_before_host”: true,
“mute_upon_entry”: false,
“watermark”: false,
“use_pmi”: false,
“approval_type”: 2, :cry:
“audio”: “both”,
“auto_recording”: “none”,
“enforce_login”: false,
“enforce_login_domains”: “”,
“alternative_hosts”: “”,
“close_registration”: false,
“registrants_confirmation_email”: true,
“waiting_room”: true,
“global_dial_in_countries”: [
“global_dial_in_numbers”: [
“registrants_email_notification”: true,
“meeting_authentication”: false

Hey @OregonDean,

It appears you are including the settings object outside of the request body.

Please try the following JSON:

  "topic": "Test API Meeting request type 1, get type 2",
  "type": 2,
  "start_time": "2020-06-15T18:00:00",
  "duration": 60,
  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "password": "redacted",
  "agenda": "approval type request is 1, response is 2. This is a paid account with one user.",
  "settings": {
    "host_video": true,
    "participant_video": true,
    "cn_meeting": false,
    "in_meeting": false,
    "join_before_host": false,
    "mute_upon_entry": false,
    "watermark": false,
    "use_pmi": false,
    "approval_type": 1,
    "audio": "both",
    "auto_recording": "local",
    "alternative_hosts": "none",
    "close_registration": true,
    "waiting_room": true,
    "contact_name": "MLD Foundation",
    "contact_email": "",
    "registrants_email_notification": true,


@tommy That was it … all is working properly now. Thanks. Now, do you have a fix to reattach all of the hair I pulled out while trying to debug? Thanks again!

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Hey @OregonDean,

Haha unforutnatly I do not, but that sounds like something I would need too! :wink:

Happy to hear that fixed it, let us know if you have any other questions!


Not working for "approval_type": 0,

Solution here: Approval type “0” Required meeting overridden by some accounts

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Thanks for sharing your solution @fernando.moobi! :slight_smile:


I am creating a meeting with type: 3, # Recurring meeting with no fixed time

My question is on created above meeting Can I call the registrants API

Hi @viral,

In order to leverage our registrant endpoints, your meeting will need to have a fixed time.



Meeting registration API not able to work after once any occurrence is deleted.
Is there any way to rollback the occurrence from deleted to available


The restore feature is not available in the Zoom API. However, you can recover deleted meetings for up to one week after it was deleted. If you recover a meeting or webinar, invitations, links, and meeting/webinar IDs sent prior to deletion will still work. Here is our help documentation on that subject :

Feel free to add this as a feature request for API support here: #feature-requests
