Custom Video UI

In Zoom SDK, I try to achieve customise the video page add navigation bar and add subview in same video view page. If these kind of design is possible to achieve or not.

Hi @deemmobtest, thanks for using the dev forum.

With our SDK, you are able to implement an entirely customized meeting UI through our custom UI feature. Please see our documentation on this feature here for more information.

If you have any specific questions regarding SDK usage while implementing a custom UI, please don’t hesitate to reach out and we will be more than happy to assist.


I am adding the new layout for zoom meeting. When I initiate the meeting its navigated to the zoom meeting UI its occupy the full phone screen.

I want to initiate the zoom meeting with this Video view.
I am using url to initiate the meeting.

Hi @deemmobtest,

The first screenshot you have provided is the default meeting UI. When you successfully join a meeting, unless you have explicitly enabled the custom UI feature, the SDK will start an activity with the default UI.

If you do not wish to use the default UI, you must create your own custom UI. To get started, please visit the documentation referenced in my previous post and let me know if you have any specific questions. :slightly_smiling_face:


Does the customized meeting UI applicable on web sdk?

Hi @isoft_mohammad.abula, thanks for using our SDK.

This category is only for our native SDKs, but if you post over in #web-client-sdk, one of my extremely knowledgeable colleagues should be able to get you the information you are looking for. :slightly_smiling_face:
