customerKey is truncated in the webinar reports

I was looking for an option to send custom user ID(which is a 24 character long hex string) while joining the meeting/webinar, I found an option named customerKey in Zoom WebSDK’s join method, so I passed the user IDs of respective users onto that key, but whenever I’m fetching the participant reports from the reports API, participant objects in the array, have the truncated version of what I passed onto the customerKey while joining. What is the max length/size and(or) type of the data are we allowed to send over the customerKey?

Which Web Meeting SDK version?
Zoom Meeting WebSDK Version (Client View) - 2.1.1

@cq_dev_team I’m not aware of a character limit with the customerKey field. How many characters are seeing it allows?

@MaxM I haven’t been able to pin down the exact character limit with customer key field,.I have received a maximum of 22 chars in reports, but that too varies.

Hi, @cq_dev_team,

The data type for the customerKey is of type string, and no max length/size is specified. To ensure I am understanding correctly, you only receive a maximum of 22 chars for the Get Meeting Participants reports?

In my testing, the customerKey is not truncated in the API response? I used the following value for my test: “customer_key”: “dbhajduosjdlpidhfjisddd”

Can you test again and let us know if the behavior persists? Perhaps you can share a screenshot (with personal info omitted) and the exact steps to reproduce as well.


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