Customize of zoom android sdk issues

Hi Carson_Chen,

Thank you so much for your reply and it really helps.

And there’s some thing might need to further discuss.

2.When 40 mins limit approaching, what will zoom alert user? By dialog? Toast? Is there any ways to customize this part? Our PM might have their own plan. Will zoom sdk give us some callback or something?

3.I understand the no “finished” concept now, thanks. So when the user restart the app, how can we get the info of whether the meeting is ended(maybe by 40 mins limit or everyone leave the meeting)? I notice there’s a Api can check the meeting status, can we use this to decide whether the meeting is ended?

5.For this case I check with our server and found out that this is the userId indeed. We have migrate the sdk to our app and there’s large part handle by server so I think it cannot be reproduce on demo app. But I can explain the as the flowing:
In our app, we start a meeting with by the following code:
zoomSdk.meetingService.startMeetingWithParams(context,StartMeetingParamsWithoutLogin().apply {
userId = serverReturnUserId
zoomToken = serverReturnZoomToken
zoomAccessToken = serverReturnZoomAccessToken
userType = MeetingService.USER_TYPE_API_USER
displayName = myDisplayName
The first three params are retrieve by our server.
And when sdk callback the status is inMeeting, we call Log.d(TAG, “my email:” + zoomSdk.inMeetingService.myUserInfo?.email) and it will return some “random string” -> my email:7iOdbzqbT7Wm9F5-SLYHPA(we later found that it’s the userId), for these account the email should be Is is expected? Although it’s kinda weird to put it in email field but it’s ok now, we can ask the server to parse userId to email. So this can be consider solved. Thanks anyway.

6.Yes we are trying to use Android SDK app to join the meeting created by Zoom Room I think so.
So if we use
zoomSdk.meetingService.joinMeetingWithParams(context, JoinMeetingParams().apply{
meetingNo = zoomRoomMeetingNo
displayName = myDisplayName
will recieved a onMeetingFail callback, errorCode and internalErrorCode are: 20 23
I check the doc that it’s “User needs to login if the user wants to join the webinar”
However it’s an api user we can only join with token.
If we use startMeetingWithParams and pass zoomToken and zoomAccessToken, we can join into the Zoom Room, so we use it instead.
And I didn’t find place to set password or lock the meeting in the Zoom Room Pad, so password problem can be ignore, for now?

And there’s some more issue.
7.Did the zoom sdk provide the “disable sound” feature? I mean enable or disable the audio track from the meeting room. It’s not mute my voice, it’s disable the voice from other people in the meeting. Did zoom sdk provide this feature? Or I have to mute the android system sound to achieve this goal?

8.When user join into or leave the meeting, it looks like it will have some ring-tone like “ding-ling”, can we disable that?

Thanks again for your reply, it really helps!