Dashboard in an iframe refused due to X-Frame-Options to sameorigin

I hope this is the correct forum to post this issue…

I created a dashboard for our IT Helpdesk last semester and recently I noticed the Zoom live meeting page stopped working due to the following error: Refused to display 'https://zoom.us/account/metrics/livemeetings' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
I have the same frame pointing to the Zoom recording management page with no issues.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

Hey @nick.hood,

We no longer allow Zoom to be embedded via an iFrame, except for the Zoom Meeting Client:

I suggest to use our Metrics API, or Webhooks instead.


Hi Tommy ,

I have the same problem but with my recordings


How we add

Hey @dilancode, @porejuelai,

Currently we do not support embedding Zoom resources in iFrames.
