Decrypt User Email Address

Hello, we have transcripts of recorded meetings and would like a way to decrypt the email address of the user speaking in order to link to our customers.

Example of transcript:

   "timeline" : [
         "ts" : "00:00:00.160",
         "users" : []
         "ts" : "00:00:01.660",
         "users" : [
               "avatar_url" : "",
               "client_type" : 0,
               "email_address" : "**FGD_jqEEdcMZPYPXEotF88ofDTb2GZ10NtEyA.9vOXblkaUyfByd1M**",
               "multiple_people" : true,
               "user_id" : ########,
               "username" : "XXXX XXXXXX",
               "zoom_userid" : "######-##########-####"

Hi @akn,

To clarify, are you referring to the encrypted values in the timeline file returned by our Cloud Recording APIs? It sounds like this is the case, but wanted to confirm.


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