Decrypt User Email on transcription

Hi! We have the payload for the timelines of a recording, and we are wondering if there’s a way to decrypt the email of the user speaking as we need a way to link that email to our customers’.

Here’s an example of the payload:

     "ts" : "00:00:06.940",
     "users" : [
           "avatar_url" : [REDACTED],
           "client_type" : 0,
           "email_address" : "5nWpSBDj74P2z3BU5jZBuK8dFaONtFMwbEcRFMA0WKtFkbM6M7TNsT5QhbLZAek.Zu_-UCIjj7ciH9QL@[REDACTED]",
           "multiple_people" : true,
           "user_id" : [REDACTED],
           "username" : "[REDACTED]",
           "zoom_userid" : "[REDACTED]"

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
OAuth App

Hey @ricardo.sanchez,

This could be a bug we had last week. Are you still seeing the email being encrypted for new meetings / timelines?


Hi, Tommy!

Thanks for your response. Sadly, we are still seing the eamil encrypted for new meeitngs/ timelines.

This is a response we got today:

   "timeline" : [
     "ts" : "00:00:00.790",
     "users" : [
           "avatar_url" : [REDACTED],
           "client_type" : 0,
           "email_address" : "5nWpSBDj74P2z3BU5jZBuK8dFaONtFMwbEcRFMA0WKtFkbM6M7TNsT5QhbLZAek.Zu_-UCIjj7ciH9QL@[REDACTED]",
           "multiple_people" : true,
           "user_id" : [REDACTED],
           "username" : [REDACTED],
           "zoom_userid" : [REDACTED]

Also, could you help me removing the example I posted on the original question? Thanks!!

Hey @ricardo.sanchez,

Sorry to hear you are still experiencing this issue. What is your Zoom account # so I can get this fixed asap?


Is it ok to send it through this forum? or should I share it with you on a more private channel?

Hey @ricardo.sanchez,

You can share it here, but if you’d like to share it privately, I will direct message you.


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