Different use cases for access to cloud recordings

We currently have multiple use cases for picking up Zoom cloud recordings. We are a school and have a need to record all meetings for safeguarding purposes. We also have integrated Zoom with a flipped learning tool called Panopto.

Storing ALL the recordings in Panopto or Zoom is cost prohibitive. We are looking at Theta Lake to explore the archiving/storage of all Zoom recordings. Unfortunately Theta Lake and Panopto leverage the same Zoom API. If implemented, would effectively triple the locations that the recordings are stored.

We are looking for a way to enable the record all meetings in the Zoom sub account or using groups, have Theta Lake pick up those recordings for long-term archiving, whist allowing meeting hosts to opt in to having specific Zoom recordings transfer to the Panopto cloud.

Any creative solutions or ideas are appreciated.

Hey @tfriz

Thanks for posting on the Zoom Devforum! I am still learning, but I will try my best to help answer your question. :slightly_smiling_face:

Checkout these related threads that may have the answer you are looking for:

If these threads did not help, please let us know by replying back here and someone from the Developer Relations team will get back to you shortly.


Thanks but these threads don’t answer my question.

Hey @tfriz,

I suggest reaching out to Thetalake for this use case.

For a Zoom API custom solution, you can use our Recording Completed Webhook to upload the recording file (download_url) to a long term storage system like AWS S3, and then delete the Zoom recording.


Hi @tommy thanks for the reply. Both Theta Lake and Panopto recommend I reach out to Zoom. Theta Lake explained the Zoom API doesn’t allow for which videos to pick up. Currently it is an all or nothing.

We were trying to think of a way to creatively have TL pick up all recordings but somehow tag recordings that hosts want transferred to Panopto. Any ideas?

Hey @tfriz,

Sounds like you should add this as a feature request, you can do so here: #feature-requests

Otherwise, you could build an application that does this similar to what I suggested above and sends the tagged recordings to Panopto if they have an API.


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