Disable notification onHostAskStartVideo

I want to know if there’s any way to make the popup “The host has asked you to start your video” NOT show up when the host asks a user to start the video. I already did an override of the onHostAskStartVideo method on MyMeetingActivity class, the method I called inside it runs perfectly, but the popup still shows up. Any way to make it not appear?


Currently using the newest android SDK


Hi vinicius_barbosa,

Thanks for the post. Yes, you can set the no_unmute_confirm_dialog in MeetingOptions to be true to hide those notifications. https://zoom.github.io/zoom-sdk-android/us/zoom/sdk/MeetingOptions.html#no_unmute_confirm_dialog

Please note that if you disabled the notifications, please implement the callback onHostAskUnMute and onHostAskStartVideo to handle the notifications or actions, otherwise pressing the unmute/ask to start video by the host will have no impact.

Hope this helps. Thanks!