Disable Social Share button for MEETINGS?

Is there a way to create a meeting, or update a meeting, using the APIs, and turn OFF the Social Share button in Registration?

The Create Meeting API supports SOME registration options. The Update Meeting API supports some additional registration options, but neither one lists the “show_share_option” that is available for same APIs used for Webinars.

Is there an option that is possibly not yet listed in the documentation? It is very tedious to use the registration feature for Meetings when you have to customize the fields manually for every meeting so we really want to use an API for this. But our meetings/courses are private and cannot be shared so these buttons need to be off.


Hey @allison,

Currently there is no way to hide the invite button when creating a meeting via the Create Meeting Endpoint.

Although, you can hide/show the invite button when using our SDK’s. Here is the reference for hiding the invite button on a meeting using our Web JS SDK.


Hi @tommy,

You said that it is not possible to disable social share buttons for meetings using Create Meeting and Update Meeting Endpoints. But it is possible using SDK. I am creating the meeting using an ASP.NET C# web application. There is a C# wrapper SDK available. Can it work with an ASP.NET C# web application? Is there any guide on how to do it?

Hey @devjun,

For questions about the Windows SDK, please create a topic here: #desktop-sdk:windows :slight_smile:
