Discrepancy in Zoom Meeting Attendance Report

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

I am working with the Zoom API to retrieve meeting participant reports.


I encountered a discrepancy in the meeting attendance report obtained via the Zoom API. The host of the meeting, User 1, was shown as present for only 691 seconds, which is significantly less than the actual meeting duration. Other participants have multiple entries with longer presence times, such as one user recorded for 12,119 seconds.
I verified through the meeting video that the host did not leave the meeting, and there were no interruptions.


There is no specific error message, but the issue involves inaccurate participant duration data in the API report.

How To Reproduce

  1. Request URL: "https://api.zoom.us/v2/report/meetings/" + meetingId + "/participants"
  • Headers: Include only relevant headers without sensitive information.
  • Body: Request for meeting participant report.
  1. No errors were returned, but the data received is inconsistent with the meeting records.

JSON Data (with Personal Data Removed):

  "page_count": 3,
  "page_size": 30,
  "total_records": 65,
  "next_page_token": "...",
  "participants": [
      "name": " User 1 (Host user)",
      "join_time": "2024-07-11T16:31:00Z",
      "leave_time": "2024-07-11T16:42:31Z",
      "duration": 691,
      "status": "in_meeting"
      "name": "User 2",
      "join_time": "2024-07-11T16:42:01Z",
      "leave_time": "2024-07-11T20:04:00Z",
      "duration": 12119,
      "status": "in_meeting"
      "name": "User 2",
      "join_time": "2024-07-11T16:33:48Z",
      "leave_time": "2024-07-11T16:42:00Z",
      "duration": 492,
      "status": "in_meeting"
      "name": "User 3",
      "join_time": "2024-07-11T16:42:00Z",
      "leave_time": "2024-07-11T19:57:10Z",
      "duration": 11710,
      "status": "in_meeting"
      "name": "User 4",
      "join_time": "2024-07-11T16:42:00Z",
      "leave_time": "2024-07-11T20:04:03Z",
      "duration": 12123,
      "status": "in_meeting"
      "name": "User 5",
      "join_time": "2024-07-11T16:42:01Z",
      "leave_time": "2024-07-11T20:03:06Z",
      "duration": 12065,
      "status": "in_meeting"
      "name": "User 6",
      "join_time": "2024-07-11T16:42:04Z",
      "leave_time": "2024-07-11T19:43:31Z",
      "duration": 10887,
      "status": "in_meeting"
    // ....

Hi @AR88 ,

I would like to investigate this error. I will send you a DM, can you please let me know the meeting ID?

Hi Ojus,

Thank you for your assistance with this issue. I have gathered several meeting UUIDs where I observed similar discrepancies. Here they are:

  1. Meeting UUID 1: KFHRJ/K5RnCf2v3XrduJuw== (this is the one mentioned in my initial post).
  2. Meeting UUID 2: nX6ct2iySBmUB56SUjn8ow==
  3. Meeting UUID 3: 3xIV9Ni1Tl6QjZvDEdWcPw==
  4. Meeting UUID 4: PmlkTEv9Roakal+Phk52hQ==

In meetings 2, 3, and 4, I observed that the host’s presence time is recorded as being shorter than the participants’ presence times, which seems inconsistent.

Please let me know if you need any additional information or further details. I appreciate your help in investigating these discrepancies.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Thanks will take a look at this. (ZSEE-139146)

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