When a person accesses a live Zoom Meeting, for example from 9am to 10am, we are expecting a single participant record of a Join Time of 9am and a Leave Time of 10am based on user attending the meeting for full duration of an hour and not leaving and returning during that period.
However, when we call the Participant Report API, the results sometime return several records for the user as if they joined and left the meeting on several occasions, sometimes rejoining seconds after leaving, when that’s not the case. We would like to understand what would cause the results to be returned like this?
Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
JWT/ Webhook
Which Endpoint/s?
How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Please reference the response above
Screenshots (If applicable)
Incorrect multiple instances are indicated in bold
{“LmsLiveSessionId”: 916677,“ZoomMeetingId”: “96982194915”,“ZoomMeetingInstanceUUID”: “EUBxUszQQoy0tcvuMjEeUg==”,“MeetingStatusId”: 4,“MeetingDurationSeconds”: 4500,“ParticipantList”:
[{“ParticipantEmail”: “”,“MinutesAttended”: 20,“JoinTime”: “11/5/2020 9:41:47 AM”,“LeaveTime”: “11/5/2020 10:01:47 AM”},
{“ParticipantEmail”: “”,“MinutesAttended”: 1,“JoinTime”: “11/5/2020 9:44:04 AM”,“LeaveTime”: “11/5/2020 9:44:11 AM”},
{“ParticipantEmail”: “”,“MinutesAttended”: 13,“JoinTime”: “11/5/2020 9:44:12 AM”,“LeaveTime”: “11/5/2020 9:56:58 AM”},
{“ParticipantEmail”: “”,“MinutesAttended”: 1,“JoinTime”: “11/5/2020 9:57:42 AM”,“LeaveTime”: “11/5/2020 9:57:49 AM”},
{“ParticipantEmail”: “”,“MinutesAttended”: 3,“JoinTime”: “11/5/2020 9:57:49 AM”,“LeaveTime”: “11/5/2020 10:00:28 AM”}],“EventStartDate”: “11/5/2020 9:41:47 AM”,“EventEndDate”: “11/5/2020 10:56:47 AM”}
Additional context
Let us know if any additional information is required.