Does Webhook response data is invalid after respond to Zoom?

Does Webhook response data is invalid after respond to Zoom?

I try to download recording files when I get recording.completed event by Zoom Webhook and I use the download_token and download_url for a specific recording file.

However, when I try to download the same file after few days, it raises Forbidden Error. Thus, I assume that there is validation time to use the download_token, and try to get file with REST API, POST /meetings/{meeting_id}/recordings.

Did I miss something, or is it right that there is limited time or validation to use download_token in Webhook response?

The below one is a sample Webhook response.

    "event": "recording.completed",
    "payload": {
        "account_id": "",
        "object": {
    "download_token": "DOWNLOAD_TOKEN"

The below on is a sample source code in Python3.11 to download a recording file with a download_url and download_token.

import requests

target_url = download_url + f"?access_token={download_token}"
binary_file = requests.get(url=target_url).content

Hi @0417taehyun , download_token from webhooks expire after 24 hours. To retrieve those files after 24 hours, you have to use the Cloud Recording API. There’s more context about this in the following thread: