Domain Validation Error after adding DNS TXT record


I’ve followed the instructions on adding a TXT record to my domain, but I am failing the TXT check.

I want a clarification on where we are adding the TXT record? Say my domain name is Given the following instructions:

I added this TXT record to because the “Name / Host / Alias” column said zoom-domain-verification.

Is this wrong? Should I just be adding the TXT record to (Without the prefix zoom-domain-verification)

Update: I’ve also added the TXT record to

Still does not pass verification. Could someone assist on this? Thank you!


Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process, the next steps will be sent to you via DM. Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.

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Kwaku, can you share with the rest of us what was done to resolve this?

Many thanks!

Josh McKenty


I have the same issue. Could You provide information how to fix it?


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The TXT record has to be added exactly as it shows, the system cannot verify it if it does not include the whole zoom verify message. If you are still having issues create another post and I can reach out via DM.

Regards, Kwaku