Domain validation with a custom scheme

I’m trying to validate my domain as part of app submission. I’m using the new unified app flow. The problem is, for my OAuth redirect URL I’m using a custom scheme. For example…


This is not my real redirect URL, I’m just using it as an example.

But then when I type my domain name into the “Your Domain Address” box, it gives me back the error:

The following URLs do not belong to the domain specified above

Basic Information (1)
OAuth Redirect URL

How do I validate my domain, when my domain is not present in my redirect URL?

I use a custom scheme because I’m doing OAuth in a native Android app and I need the redirect to flow back to my app, not a web browser.


Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process, the next steps will be sent to you via DM. Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.

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The answer is manual validation with the help of Zoom.