Domain Verification - Railway

We have verified our domain ( but are stuck at the step where the process is asking us to verify “”. Because this doesn’t allow us to verify our railway subdomain, and we don’t own “”, I’m not sure what to do next. We are happy to provide the HTML for this, but want to make sure we are doing it correctly.

Hello, you can use the HTML method, if it doesn’t work we can figure something out.

Regards, Kwaku

Hi Kwaku,

We added our HTML to h ttps:// as requested in the process, but are still getting an error that reads: “The verification code was not found for domain” Again, isn’t our domain, it’s the service provider’s. We can only point to a subdomain here. What should we do to bypass this step?


Understood are you able to add an HTML or TXT record to the subdomain you have access to?

Regards, Kwaku

Yes, I shared the link to the subdomain that we added the HTML to in my previous message. Can you approve that?
The Zoom process will not verify it because we aren’t adding to “” directly.


Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process, the next steps will be sent to you via DM. Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.