Download zoom meeting recording programatically

Zoom deprecate JWT token for passing in url’s. Now we can not pass JWT token in URL. any alternate way to download recording using JWT token?

Hi @tommy ! Hope you’re having a great day. As you seem to have replied to many of the threads involving downloading VTT files, I was wondering if you could give an update on how to do so with Oauth?

I’m using axios, my accessTokens are not expired, I have password protection turned off in my recording settings, and my zoom app has read and write recording scopes. However, when I go to the download link provided by my app’s webhook, I am still asked for a passcode.

I have tried sending axios requests to the file link, with Bearer AccessToken in the header, I have tried appending the transcript file’s passcode to the url where i send the axios request, I’ve tried using the download_token provided by my webhook as a replacement for my access token in my accios request, but still no luck.

Here is a sample of my code so far, this is the code I’ve used the variations of that I listed above:
const downloadUrl =
Passcode Required - Zoom’;
const accessToken = ‘eyJzdiI6…’;
const passcode = ‘*8n55bh3’;
const download_token =

try {
	const response = await axios.get(downloadUrl, {
		headers: {
			Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,

The recording that this is to was a test recording and does not include any sensitive data. Thank you for your help! Appreciate you and the zoom developer team :slight_smile: