Downloading a Cloud Recording Requires Signin

There is an undocumented (why?) mechanism called a “zak” token that we use for this. Here’s what we were told by support:


You can already pass the login credentials of the host at the end of the download URL to authenticate the download. You can generate an authentication zak token for the host by using GET /users/{userId}/token . The token will remain valid for 50 minutes. You can then pass the token at the end of the join URL. You can also get the auth token for an Admin or Owner as well.

For example:

curl -L -o test.mp4 <downloadURL>?zak=<auth token>



Here’s an example in python, note that gen_token() returns a jwt.

def get\_admin\_token(): # get admin user id from admin email r = requests.get("{}users/{}".format(ZOOM\_API\_BASE\_URL, ZOOM\_ADMIN\_EMAIL), headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % gen\_token().decode()}) admin\_id = r.json()['id'] # get admin level zak token from admin id r = requests.get("{}users/{}/token?type=zak".format(ZOOM\_API\_BASE\_URL, admin\_id), headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % gen\_token().decode()}) return r.json()['token']