Downloading recorded zoom meeting return partial file

Hi Team,

We are encountering a strange error from Zoom API when downloading recorded meeting. Please see the detailed explanation below.

  1. When I tried to download the recordings files that are about to auto-delete within 1-3 days, the downloaded file is partial and it is only 41KB. But the Original file size is 239 MB or something like that.
  2. In my recording list there are recordings which will auto-delete after 21 days and so, but I can download them without any issue regardless of the file size.

Programming language and Framework: PHP - LARAVEL
Authentication method: JWT
Errors: There is no error logged
Downloading method: CURL


 public function downloadFileToStorage($downloadUrl, $fileName, $ext)
        $src = $downloadUrl;
        $downloadLink = null;
        $dest = storage_path("app/public/files/$fileName");
        $ch = curl_init($src);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0); //timeout in seconds
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); 
        if (!curl_errno($ch)) {
            $info = curl_getinfo($ch);
            $downloadLink = $info['url'];
        if ($downloadLink) {              
            copy($downloadLink, $dest);
    }catch (\Exception $e){


Thanks for posting on the Zoom Devforum! I am still learning, but I will try my best to help answer your question. :slightly_smiling_face:

Checkout this related thread that may have the answer you are looking for:

If this thread did not help, please let us know by replying back here and someone from the Developer Relations team will get back to you shortly.



No, this thread not answering my question.


Thanks for reaching out about this—in order to take a closer look at this, can you provide the full API response where you’re getting the download URLs from?


Here is the response

array (
  'url' => 'URL',
  'content_type' => 'text/html;charset=utf-8',
  'http_code' => 200,
  'header_size' => 3988,
  'request_size' => 263,
  'filetime' => -1,
  'ssl_verify_result' => 0,
  'redirect_count' => 0,
  'total_time' => 0.49823,
  'namelookup_time' => 0.004243,
  'connect_time' => 0.093429,
  'pretransfer_time' => 0.282241,
  'size_upload' => 0.0,
  'size_download' => 12040.0,
  'speed_download' => 24176.0,
  'speed_upload' => 0.0,
  'download_content_length' => -1.0,
  'upload_content_length' => 0.0,
  'starttransfer_time' => 0.408976,
  'redirect_time' => 0.0,
  'redirect_url' => '',
  'primary_ip' => '',
  'certinfo' => 
  array (
  'primary_port' => 443,
  'local_ip' => '',
  'local_port' => 52966,
  'http_version' => 2,
  'protocol' => 2,
  'ssl_verifyresult' => 0,
  'scheme' => 'HTTPS',

Thank you — I just DM’d you for some additional details when you have a chance.


Hi Will,

Thanks for the reply. I just DM’d the details. Please have a look.


I’m not seeing your DM—if you’re having trouble replying to my message, you can also reach out to as well.


Hi Will,

An email with relevant details has been sent to the address

Thanks, — I’ve continued the conversation there!

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