During COVID, is it possible to increase the daily rate limit of meeting create (currently at 100)?

POST /users/{userId}/meetings.has a daily rate limit of 100 requests per day. This is normally fine, but COVID isn’t normality. Could it be increased (200/day?) during COVID?

Hey @patrickd, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

What is your use case for creating more than 100 meetings a day for a single user?


We do remote identity verification sessions (where customers show their pieces of ID… it’s very quick). These last 10 minutes and we’re making modifications to shorten them to 5 minutes.

We usually have 15-20 meetings a day. Now with COVID and everyone working from home, we have over a hundred sessions booked per day for a given user, which we expect to decrease in a few weeks to around 80-90/day. A Zoom user won’t service all these bookings in a single day (so we’re having a backlog), but we don’t control (and don’t want to slow down) the rate at which customers subscribe to our service.

Hi Tommy, I would also have such a need and for similar reasons - @patrickd is spot on - COVID period is not normality.
But as a follow up question, the 100 “create meeting” per day, according to the API is:

This API has a daily rate limit of 100 requests per day. Therefore, only 100 Create a Meeting API requests are permitted within a 24 hour window for a user

What if I create a meeting on behalf of a sub-user? Is that 100 requests using my JWT or 100 requests to create meetings for that specific user? So can I create 60 meetings for UserA and 60 meetings for UserB?
What if, today I call the API to create a meeting for tomorrow; does that count in the limit (your own question to patrickd seems to hint to the fact that it’s about having 100+ meetings lined up for one day)

Thank you for your assistance!


Hey @Matiboy,

That is exactly the solution I was going to suggest. If you need to create more then 100 meetings in a day you can do so for free by creating another user, which in @patrickd case can be a free user since he does not need meetings over 40 minutes.

The 100 API limit is how many times the create meeting endpoint can be called for a single user in a 24 hour period, as stated in the docs:

“This API has a daily rate limit of 100 requests per day. Therefore, only 100 Create a Meeting API requests are permitted within a 24 hour window for a user.”
