Dynamic Allocation of license

Hello all,

I would like to understand something that I am not able to get through.
Suppose I have purchased 50 licenses and I have 1000+ trainers and I want to assign the license to my trainers as and when they have their meetings scheduled with their students. So here we are using a webhook and an API provided by Zoom to us https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/users/usertoken.

Now is this allowed in the business plan that we purchase or does this requires any other kind of agreement?

They say that I am sublicensing but here in our case there is no sub-licensing happening at all. we are just giving a license to a trainer when their call gets scheduled.

Please assist

Hi @arpit,

For any billing/policy related questions, you will want to reach out to support.zoom.us. From a technical perspective, you may update and re-allocate licenses on your account. To do so via API, you can reference the steps outlined in this thread:

Let me know if this helps,

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