Electron build error in windows

I git clone https://github.com/zoom/zoom-sdk-electron and cd demo and run npm install then run npm run packager-win.
first --version has name --app-verison
then dependencies can not have electron
when I modify these and npm run packager-win then I open zoomsdkapp.exe,It show some error has no lib

Which version?
https://github.com/zoom/zoom-sdk-electron this git repo

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. git clone https://github.com/zoom/zoom-sdk-electron
  2. cd demo
  3. npm install
  4. npm run packager-win


some guess
I have build mac in my own project
so in build windows has some similarity steps move some sdk files to somewhere

and I want to know how to change zoom-meeting windows icon and title in zoom-electron-sdk

hope to your relpy!

Hi hjh22343,

Thanks for the post. What is your SDK version, Electron version and Node version? Are you trying to build Electron SDK app on Windows 64bit? Our Electron SDK is currently only support 32-bit:https://github.com/zoom/zoom-sdk-electron#development-environment-configuration-for-windows

Hope this helps. Thanks!

sdk verison:v44.4.56616.1029
node verison: 12.0.0
I know electron must use 32bit,so I install electron --arch=ia32 in our project
I want to know when build electron sdk in windows has some steps such as copy win32 sdk to /resources some path?
Did you try git repo electron-sdk-zoom in package.json when npm run packager-win? this script seems no work,when I buid windows and run exe

There is a script file “build_nodeaddon_win_ia32.bat” in our package. By runing this script file, you can build zoom_electron_sdk, the .node file is in sdk/win32 folder. By runing the script file “run_demo_win.bat”, you can start and use our demo.

You can change the icon by suppling the InitParam.uiWindowIconSmallID, and InitParam.uiWindowIconBigID of the interface InitSDK.
And you can change the title by using the interface AddCustomizedStringResource.

hi, @roc.wang,
run_demo_win.bat is electron. but I want to build app,git repo pack-windows is not work,no I work it out but I don’t know it is right
I modify packager-win most like cpoy ./sdk/win32 to ./sdk/zoom/win32 ./lib to ./lib
anyone go to work it out when build windows electron zoom app

Hi hjh22343,

Thanks for the reply. I will forward the info to the engineering team and get back to you shortly.


Hi, @hjh22343 Here are the steps for win32 to package a zoomsdkapp.exe

  1. open the package.json in the folder “demo”
  2. modify the line “packager-win” like this:
  3. cd demo
  4. npm install electron-packager --save-dev
  5. npm run-script packager-win

ok @roc.wang ,I will try this script. thank you
btw,is our app must support by node v12 and electron v5.0.2?
because I find in repo and readme.md

you will be able to configure and compile the new Zoom Electron SDK with any versions of Electron.

what’s this mean?

I use node 10.15.3 and electron v3 but it is not work

is this mean I build .node file with node v12 and electron v5
and use .node file in any version of Electron

According to the error report, maybe this is because the old definition of function "BooleanValue"of v8 in electron 3 is different with electron 5. Maybe you can modify the the function “zoom_v8toc” in \lib\node_add_on\zoom_v8_to_c.cpp like this:

Can u tell me what’s the meaning of “/Y/S/Q” ?

/y Suppresses prompting to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
/s Copies directories and subdirectories, unless they are empty. If you omit /s , xcopy works within a single directory.
/q Suppresses the display of xcopy messages.

You can get the more details in this link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/xcopy

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