Email/Password Login

It has been a while since I’ve worked with the Zoom SDK. Originally I had the following code to login:

LoginParam4Email emailParam = new LoginParam4Email();
emailParam.bRememberMe = false;
emailParam.userName = "Your email here";
emailParam.password = "Your password here";
LoginParam param = new LoginParam();
param.loginType = LoginType.LoginType_Email;
param.emailLogin = emailParam;
SDKError sdkErr = CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetAuthServiceWrap().Login(param);

However, now LoginParam4Email, LoginParam and the Login method no longer exist. Is it still possible to log in via email/password?

Which Windows Meeting SDK version?


  • OS: Windows 10 21H2

Hi @Proddy,

You are understanding correctly that email/pw login has been removed from the SDK. Now all SDK apps must utilize OAuth to authenticate end users and provide a ZAK to the SDK. More information on how to get started with OAuth can be found here.


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