Embed code for host

How can I get iframe’s embed code for host (who initiated a meeting), not for attendees?

I’m using code for attendees like this:

<iframe src="https://zoom.us/wc/{meeting_id}/join?prefer=1&un={base64_name}" width="1000px" height="500px" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-scripts" allow="microphone; camera"></iframe>

I need similar code for host.

Now I use iframe with src={start_url} (for host-side, not attendee-site), but it requires installation of Zoom when I open that iframe in Chrome browser. I want to embed Zoom without installation of program.

{start_url} - URL to start the meeting.

Response from Create a Meeting (Zoom API):

  uuid: '...',
  id: ***********,
  host_id: '...',
  topic: 'Zoom Meeting',
  type: 1,
  status: 'waiting',
  timezone: 'Europe/Moscow',
  created_at: '2020-04-30T19:56:03Z',
  start_url: '...',
  join_url: 'https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89292493558',
  settings: {
    host_video: false,
    participant_video: false,
    cn_meeting: false,
    in_meeting: false,
    join_before_host: false,
    mute_upon_entry: false,
    watermark: false,
    use_pmi: false,
    approval_type: 2,
    audio: 'both',
    auto_recording: 'none',
    enforce_login: false,
    enforce_login_domains: '',
    alternative_hosts: '',
    close_registration: false,
    registrants_confirmation_email: true,
    waiting_room: true,
    global_dial_in_countries: [ 'US' ],
    global_dial_in_numbers: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
    registrants_email_notification: true,
    meeting_authentication: false

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

I’m actively reading your documentation and forum. Your documentation says that non-login user cannot start instant meeting but he can start scheduled meeting (with ZAK token in start_url). I’m trying start_url like https://us02web.zoom.us/s/87279800730?zak=... (received through Zoom API) in Chrome’s incognito window but it requires authentication (for scheduled meeting). How can I launch meeting in browser without authentication (ideally instant meeting)?

I found the answers to my questions at your forum. I’ll try Web SDK. Thank you, guys!

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Thanks @pavel.register!

Yes right now the Web SDK is your best option.

We are working on an easily embeddable Zoom iFrame for the future.


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