Embedding the recording video

Hello guys,

Not sure if it was asked before, but I couldn’t find any related response to it.
Is there a way to embed the recording video to be displayed at my site?
I see there is a shareable url where a video player is displayed in, but I’m not willing to display the whole page.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @vinicius.okubara,

Currently, we don’t have a way to automatically embed a recording. What you can do is use the download url[1] to download the recording then upload it to you site.

1 - https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/cloud-recording/recordingget


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I see. I was trying to confirm if there was a way I couldn’t figure out.
Thank you very much for the response.

Hi @vinicius.okubara,

No worries, let us know if you need anything else.


I was trying Recorded Video embed in Iframe. Few days before it was working fine.

Now it shows some error. Is the cross-origin recorded video in Ifram is blocked? becsue share recorded video page of zoom is working when i open the share url in the new tab.

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I was trying Recorded Video embed in Iframe. Few days before it was working fine. Now it shows some error.
Is the cross-origin recorded video in Ifram is blocked? becsue share recorded video page of zoom is working when i open the share url in the new tab.

Hey @vijetha,

Please share more details about your issue including your iFrame code, screenshots, and steps to reproduce.


@tommy sharing the screenshot and iFram code. please have a look

<iframe width="100%" id="videoId" height="410" src="https://zoom.us/rec/share/v-J0A7Ty_zhJWs_d7FHcB7QAWYf4X6a81HUY-6YEzh3AMtaWp6X4Drtnh3VzSXsS" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms"></iframe>

the link https://zoom.us/rec/share/v-J0A7Ty_zhJWs_d7FHcB7QAWYf4X6a81HUY-6YEzh3AMtaWp6X4Drtnh3VzSXsS is opening properly in new tab but not in iFrame

Hey @vijetha,

Instead of embedding the Zoom recording itself, please embed the actual file, or upload it to youtube, and embed it via youtube embed.


@tommy thanks. Any updates when the ‘Poll feature to show to user’ & Breakout room feature will be available in WebSDK

A tentative date will be very helpful as per roadmap

Hey @vijetha,

Apologies but we have no timeline. Maybe sometime next year.


@tommy Our app plays cloud recordings stored by Zoom using the HTML5 player and adds an interactive overlay in the bottom-left corner. For example:

This works fine if it’s my recording it for non-password protected recordings. Please help us learn how to prompt the user for a password? Is there an embeddable Zoom player that includes this functionality or an oAuth-like call we can make?

EDITED: I changed the link and turned on the password for that recording.

Hey @paul1,

Are you embedding the Zoom play_url for this? I would suggest downloading the recording and serving / handling who can see what recording on your end.


Thanks. :slight_smile:

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Happy to help! :slight_smile:


@tommy Any news regarding this? The recommended solution is still to download the video? Do we have some timeline for using the zoom link to embed the video on websites?
Thank you

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Welcome, @tal-magical,

There is no update available at this time. Currently, the best approach would be is use the download URL to download the recording and then upload it to your site as shared by Michael.

Downloading then uploading to another video host site seems to be a very cumbersome way of embedding videos.

I had been asking tech support and the answer was the same and they also said that this is because of some government mandate about security. What I don’t understand is that Microsoft Stream meeting recordings would probably fall under similar government mandates and their videos are easily embeddable. Logging-in is required for the video to play or show any contents (if not logged in, the iframe just shows you “you need to log in”). But their embed code using iframe doesn’t embed the whole page.

Can you please feedback this to your developers? Thanks!

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In our university we use Zoom for teaching and Moodle and Google Classroom as virtual classroom options. Embedding directly with Zoom’s recording link in a Moodle forum or page; or in GClassroom would be very useful. Please push for this option. Thanks!

Hi still no update ? We want to embed recording on our website using with sdk like other clients. Did you add this feature ?