Enable meeting.chat_message_sent webhook

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Meeting Webhooks

Hello, I want to enable the meeting.chat_message_sent webhook for my OAuth application. What are the required steps in order to request approval for it?


Hi @elisa.zoom this is the question

Hi @duetsdevteam
Thanks for reaching out to us!
If you want to receive in meeting messages, you will have to reach out to support to enable the DLP in your account and also to enable the event to the app you are working with.


This must be an account-level app, so make sure to share with our support team the email associated with your account, the name of the app, and the client ID of your app so they can help you enable it.


Hi @elisa.zoom ,

Thanks for the response.

2 questions,

  1. Would enabling DLP interfere with the current app workflow that we are developing (eg. change the webhooks, OAuth, or stop the workflow of the current app)
  2. Is the webhook restricted to only work for an account-level app, or can it also be enabled for a user-managed app?

Thank you!

Hi @duetsdevteam

No, it won’t interfere with the workflow you are developing or interfere with the workflow of your current app. Last time I checked I was told that it was only account-level apps but this could have changed for now.
So you can request it to be enabled on a user-managed app and see what the support team says to you

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