Error Occurs When Specifying Cutout Standard with drawParticipant API

When specifying cutout with drawParticipant in immersive mode, the following error occurs.

bundle.mjs:4670 Uncaught (in promise) Error: The Zoom client encountered an error while processing the request!
at new ZoomApiError (bundle.mjs:4670:28)
at bundle.mjs:5560:45
at ZoomSdk.native2js (bundle.mjs:5503:17)
at EmbeddedBrowserWebView. (:1:38947)

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Clone GitHub - zoom/zoomapps-customlayout-js: A simple podcaster Zoom App to demonstrate Immersive Mode through our Layers API
  2. Specify cutout: ‘standard’ for the return value participant in canvas.js drawQuadrant.
  3. Launch the application.

After I turn off/on my video, drawn participant cutout is changed to standard view.

Does drawParticipant api work correctly?