Error retrieving past meeting instances for meeting with transferred ownership

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s){meetingId}/instances

Hi, we’re running into some issue with the past_meetings endpoint when trying to retrieve a list of its instances. The meeting in question recently had its ownership switched using the “Schedule Privilege” method, and when querying the endpoint listed above using the new meeting owner’s access token, we are receiving a http 400 error with the “No permission” message listed below. Prior to the new owner granting us Shared Access permissions, we were receiving a different http 403 error of " Authenticated user has not permitted access to the targeted resource". We can retrieve the latest instance of the meeting just fine by querying{meetingId}, but we unfortunately need a list of the previous instances. We suspect that it may be because past instances of the meeting prior to switching ownsership are still under the old owner. So when the API is trying to retrieve details about a past instance, it’s running into permission issues. We have tried having the old owner grant us app permissions as well, but the issue still remains.

HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
“code”: 200,
“message”: “No permission.”

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
*1. Have User1 create a recurring meeting that can be started at any time.
*2. Join/Leave the newly created meeting a few times with a second participant so past_meeting instances can be populated.
*3. Verify that{meetingId}/instances with User1’s access token correctly returns a list of meeting instances.
*4. Switch ownership of the new meeting to User2 using the “Schedule Privilege” method.
*5. Join/Leave the meeting several times again with a second participant to create a few more past_meeting instances.
*6. Try to reach{meetingId}/instances again with User2’s access token, and you will either receive a 403 error if Shared Access permissions were not granted, or a 400 error if they were.

Hi @xschen
Thanks for reaching out to us! I am happy to help here!
Have you been able to troubleshoot this on your end or are you still looking for assistance on this issue?

Please let me know!

Hi @elisa.zoom , yes unforuntately we’re still having the same issue. Our temporary solution is to just retrieve and save meeting instance uuids as meetings happen so we can at least build up our own list to look up. But this of course only works for future meetings, and we’d really appreciate a fix so we can go back to look up past meetings.


All right @xschen
let me do some testing on my end and I will come back with an update shortly!

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