Error when join meeting by meetingService.joinMeetingWithParams

Hello everyone,

I am trying to integrate zoom into my android app. I have initialize zoom success with error code 0, but when i use meetingService to join meeting, the return value of meetingService is 99.

I create a meeting on website first, get the invite meeting number and password then use it, but nothing displayed on the screen.

My code:


What does status MEETING_STATUS_IDLE means? and why when I try to join meeting, nothing displayed?

Thank you for any information.

Hi @letuan1999v5
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Have you been able to troubleshoot this issue on your end?
Here is a link to our Reference Docs where you can find the error you are seeing:

Thank you for your reply. I have resolve my problem.
I have copied the room id that contain the space to send start meeting request, so it cannot join the meeting.

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