Event notification endpoint URLs need validation again after awhile

Hi @tommy,

we are seeing the same issue on our end. We added the endpoint validation and the initial validation worked. After half an hour or so, the message “Validate the event notification endpoint URLs before activating the app.” is shown again. If we validate endpoints again, it stays like that for half an hour, or an hour and this message is repeated again.

For information, the endpoints that we have are used for Recordings Completed and User Invitation Accepted events.

Also, information that might be of use, since the validation of the User Invitation Accepted event endpoint, we didn’t get any webhook calls regarding that (and by that, I mean I don’t see any calls in the Webhook calls log that go out to our endpoint).

This is something that is generating problems for us currently, so I would be grateful if we get the response soon.

If you need any additional information, I’m at your disposal. Thank you!