Event subscription doesn't hit the endpoint for app with intention to publish, but does when there is no intention

I’m developing my second oauth app, the first one with webhooks, I’m using the “All recordings have completed” event. For development I created a dev app with no intention to publish, for staging and production I created another with intention to publish (our staging is your develoment).

The webhooks arrive very nicely in the dev app, but not with the app that we intend to publish. There we use the development credentials, the production app doesn’t exist yet.

I can connect the app via oauth and can access the RestAPI.
I defined an event subscription and provided an endpoint, that is exposed to the internet
I installed the app locally, as we don’t have a production installation yet

No error message. Webhooks don’t hit our server. It’s not caught by a firewall, I can come through just by taking the URL defined for the webhook and load it with a browser.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?
Event subscription to “All recordings have completed” event

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Connect the app via oauth to a Zoom account
  2. Start a meeting
  3. Record to cloud
  4. End meeting

Screenshots (If applicable)

Additional context

Hi @lafisrap,

For the app that has intend to publish: yes, can you ensure that you’ve installed the app using the Publishable URL found on the ‘Submit’ tab?

Let me know‚ thanks!

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