Extra fields are populated in the API response of User other than the documentation fields

User API endpoint’ response is providing some additional attributes other than the documentation

endpoint: https://api.zoom.us/v2/users?&include_fields=custom_attributes


  • We are trying to retrieve the data for User but the response which we are getting in postman is having some extra fields other than the one’s specified in the documentation. Should we consider these fields as part of the API response or is it something which are additional fields and can be excluded as we are integrating zoom with our customer platform.

Fields such as “phone_number” and “language” are populated in User API.

Please find the attached screenshot for the extra values which are populated.

Hi @appflowpersistent
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum!

It looks like in our documentation the phone_number field is marked as deprecated, that’s the reason why you are always getting this value empty; but the field language it is documented on our Get a user endpoint:


Hope this helps!