Extract audio from normal Zoom Meetings

Hello all,

So, I am a Software Developer and I was given a task to extract audio from the meeting by any means possible. Our company provides transcription based services for different platform. And we have to do same thing for Zoom.

I want to get audio for transcription of user meetings that might be hosted by them or might not be. And these are entirely normal Zoom Meetings.


  1. Using Raw Audio of Native Meeting SDK.
    – This require some kind of license that Zoom are not providing as of right now.

  2. Using Cloud Recording of Zoom Video SDK for Web.
    – I think this doesn’t work because, Video SDK cannot join normal Zoom Meetings.

Can someone tell me that above two cases are correct.

It will be really helpful,
Thanks in advance,
Nirav Tailor

@tailornirav ,

For the scenario you are trying to achieve, you will need to have access to raw audio.

Can you check if meeting bot fulfils your requirement?

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@chunsiong.zoom thanks for the reply. What we are looking to do is to build a meeting bot that would be able to record conversations of the meeting without getting any consent from meeting host. Is that possible at all with Meeting SDK?. Should the bot always ask consent from Meeting host before recording?.

Hello @chunsiong.zoom ,

I came across your reply, and it answers perfectly a question we are facing. The link you have shared (https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/zoom-apps/guides/meeting-bots-sdk-media-streams/) suffices for our purpose.

However, we observed that that recording raw audio is a controlled feature as described here: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/sdk/native-sdks/windows/raw-data/. Can you please guide us how to access this feature? We have a Zoom Pro account. If it is needed, we are happy to have a chat to explain our use case. Thanks.

@edupme, happy to share how to build a meeting bot.

If you’re using the Zoom Raw Data SDK, these are the steps:

  1. Spin up a server. We recommend AWS, GCP, or Digital Ocean.
  2. Use either the Windows or Mac Zoom SDK to launch an instance of the Zoom client.
  3. Once you have the Zoom SDK launched, and use the Raw Data functionality to extract the video and audio streams.
  4. This will return the video in I420 raw frames and audio in PCM 16LE raw format, so you’ll need to encode the audio and video yourself afterwards.
  5. Once you have one instance of this working, you’ll need to scale this across several servers if you want to run multiple bots simultaneously, which is required to have bots for multiple meetings.

Finally, another option is Recall.ai. It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Amanda, we are grateful for your contributions to the Zoom Developer Forum, @amanda-recallai! Your active participation and willingness to share your expertise and experience have been invaluable. We appreciate the fruitful, constructive, and open discussions you have been a part of, and we thank you for your engagement.

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