We need to get the audio stream from a meeting, can we get it using the Meeting SDK? Or can we only get it using the Video SDK?

When I try to use the Meeting SDK to get the audio stream, I don’t find the information.
Can I only get audio streams by purchasing the Video SDK?
I would like to confirm this.

@sparticle, you can get the audio streams from a Zoom meeting by sending a meeting bot to the call.

Happy to share the steps on how to build a meeting bot:

  1. Spin up a server. We recommend AWS, GCP, or Digital Ocean.
  2. Use either the Windows or Mac Zoom SDK to launch an instance of the Zoom client.
  3. Once you have the Zoom SDK launched, and use the Raw Data functionality to extract the video and audio streams.
  4. This will return the video in I420 raw frames and audio in PCM 16LE raw format, so you’ll need to encode the audio and video yourself afterwards.
  5. Once you have one instance of this working, you’ll need to scale this across several servers if you want to run multiple bots simultaneously, which is required to have bots for multiple meetings.

Finally, another option is Recall.ai. It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots.

Let me know if you have any questions!

@sparticle Hope you will be fine.

For accessing meeting streams, you need to integrate native SDKs (Windows/macOS) to get access to Raw Data.

If you have any queries still please ask. Thanks