Facing the issues "Please use host/alternative host to start the webinar" while joining webinar

When we try to join webinar from web using web SDK,
We are facing below error message
Please use host/alternative host to start the webinar with error code 3624

@karan.sintal ,

can you share the steps to reproduce this, version of the SDK and a sample of your JWT signature used to start or join the webinar?

Thanks @chunsiong.zoom for reply,

I’m using Meeting SDK for Web 2.9.7
Used payload to generate signature is

    "sdkKey": "***",
    "mn": "81165181552",
    "role": "1",
    "iat": "1693821752",
    "exp": "1693828952",
    "appKey": "***",
    "tokenExp": "1693828952"

Any other required?

@karan.sintal ,

  • What are the steps to reproduce this? (do include the code used to join the webinar as well)

  • Are you using ClientID and ClientSecret from Meeting SDK App Type to sign the signature?

const iat = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000) - 30;
const exp = iat + 60 * 60 * 2;

Using following payload to generate signate

    "mn": "87144148472",
    "role": "1",
    "iat": "1693894371",
    "exp": "1693901571",
    "appKey": ClientID,
    "tokenExp": "1693901571"

Following code to join meeting

	leaveUrl: meetConfig.leaveUrl,
	isSupportAV: true,
	success: function () {
				meetingNumber: meetConfig.meetingNumber,
				userName: meetConfig.userName,
				userEmail: meetConfig.userEmail,
				signature: signature,
				sdkKey: meetConfig.sdkKey,
				passWord: meetConfig.passWord,
				success: function(res){
				   // $('#nav-tool').hide();
				error: function(res) {
	error: function(res) {

And I'm using ClientID to generate not ClientSecret


You are trying to join the meeting right?

Could you change the role in your signature from 1 to 0?

yes tried but didnt work

@karan.sintal , just to confirm, you signed the signature using your clientSecret right?

No i have generated signature using only ClientID by using Create JSON Web Token Using Secret Key with HS256 algo, is this correct?

@karan.sintal ,

If you have used ClientID, sign the message with ClientSecret.
If you have used SDKKey, sign the message with SDKSecret.

These 2 pairs need to match.


I have created sign with ClientID and Client Secret but still showing same error.

Any other solution?


Now I have other issue as error code - NOT_CONNECTED

I have generate sign using this payload

    'appKey' => ClientID,
    'sdkKey' => ClientID,
    'mn' => webinar_id,
    'role' => 0,
    'iat' => iat,
    'exp' => exp,
    'tokenExp' => exp

$signature = JWT::sign($signing_payload, 'client_secret_key', $algo);

And to join meeting I’m using following method

        meetingNumber: meetConfig.meetingNumber,
        userName: meetConfig.userName,
        userEmail: meetConfig.userEmail,
        signature: "<?php echo $signature ; ?>",
        sdkKey: ClientID,
        passWord: meetConfig.passWord,
        success: function(res){
        error: function(res) {

@karan.sintal do you have a sample of your generated JWT token?

@karan.sintal do note that for webinars, you might need some of these additional tokens such as tk

this is my generated token


@karan.sintal ,

have you tried joining with the tk token as well?

Hi @chunsiong.zoom ,

As per your suggestion I have generated now the token,
but I’m getting API not enabled error, can you please let me know the process to Enable API?

I’ll PM you @karan.sintal

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