Find all live meetings for user with User-Level application

Hey team,

I have a question regarding accessing all live meetings that user is currently logged into and participating in with a User-Level application.

Couple questions:

  1. I’m listing the meetings with /v2/users/me/meetings but I’m only seeing scheduled meetings and not instant meetings. How can I get the instant meetings as well?

  2. Even though a meeting has been scheduled, that user may not have entered into that meeting yet. How do I access whether that user is currently logged into the meeting?

I’ve been struggling to find information about to resolve these questions.

Looking forward to your response.


Does anyone from the Zoom team have any preliminary thoughts on this? This has been sitting for almost a day now.


Hi @vnair611,

Welcome to the Zoom Developer Forum.

  1. At this time, we do not display past instant meetings via our APIs. You can see the instant meeting via API if it is live.

  2. You can consider using the Retrieve Meeting Participants API, to know the details about the participants in the meeting.


Thanks for the reply, Ojus.

Does the “me” context contain the current live instance meetings?

Endpoint: /v2/users/me/meetings

I just started an instant meeting with my PMI and then executed the API. I did not see the meeting amongst the returned objects.


Hi @vnair611,

Did you have the parameter type=live in your original request? Also please make sure that it is a GET request.

Your request format should be:


I did not include the URL parameter type=live.

I will try that momentarily.


Hey @vnair611, following up, did this work for you?

Hey @tommy - I work with Vivek - we had postponed this project for a bit but I’m working on it now.

I tried adding type=live and still wasn’t able to get the current meeting.

My steps:

Also - what if the user joins someone else’s meeting? Will that show up?

We’re trying to use whether or not the auth’d user is in a Zoom meeting (whether or not they created it) as a sort of status in our application.

Hey @douglas.safreno,

Make sure more then 1 person is in the meeting. Otherwise it will not show up in GET /users/{userID}/meetings.

The GET /users/{userID}/meetings only returns the meetings the user was a host of.

Please share the meeting ID so I can look at the logs.


Hey @tommy - is there any way to get the meetings that the user attended? Or, for our purposes, just the current meeting that the user is attending?

Hey @douglas.safreno,

Yes, you can get the meeting a user is currently in with GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId} or GET /users/{userId}/meetings. The default type query param is set to live.

Let me know if this helps!


Hey @tommy - you had mentioned before that /users/{userId}/meetings only worked for hosting, not attending. That’s what we’re seeing as well.

Specifically, is there a way to get the meeting that the user is currently attending, even if they are not the host?

Correct @douglas.safreno.

You can get a meetings participants (past) meeting participants (present) or a meetings registrants (future).

Unfortunately we do not have an API to list a non host meetings as this is handled with our calendar integrations and Zoom Client.


Is this still the same? We need to get the of meeting the user is currently attending (Zoom Pro and above)

Hey @terenze.yuen,

You can get details about a live meeting via:

Or our Meeting Webhooks:


I can’t seem to figure this out as of July 13th. If I have user-level oAuth authorization, which Webhook do I use to be notified and sent the meeting ID whenever they join a instant/scheduled/any kind of meeting they are not the host of (e.g., they are a participant)? My app needs to be notified of any meetings a user joins so it can automatically drop users in the same meeting into an editing instance (think Google Docs) on my app. Worst-case scenario I can make them all paste their meeting ID into my app, but that will cause a whole host of other issues (and isn’t nearly as seamless).

Hey @zaptrem,

Due to privacy, we do not allow you to get information about other users meetings, even if you were a participant of that meeting.

With the Zoom API, you can only get information about the host / user who has authorized your app.


You misunderstood, I’m just trying to get the meeting ID of the instant meeting the user who authorized my app just joined.


Hey @zaptrem,

Gotcha! If you are referring to the PMI (Personal Meeting ID), you can use the Get User endpoint to get the Personal Meeting ID.

Does that answer your question?


No, I’m trying to get the meeting ID the user is currently attending. E.g., if Tom makes a meeting and John (who has authorized our OAuth app) joins it, I need to get that meeting ID (preferably by Webhook) using John’s API perspective/permissions.