Gallery View Layout changes between SDK Versions

Hi guys,

We are migrating from SDK Version 5.0.24437.0708 to the latest one, and we’ve noticed few layout changes:

  • Preview window (ACTIVE SPEAKER VIEW) was on left lower bottom, now is on right upper corner.
  • Videos on gallery view are not center aligned anymore, they are on top. This is concerning to us, could you confirm such change indeed was performed? If yes, is there any way to change it like it was, programmatically?

Follow the screen shoots:

CURRENT VERSION (5.0.24437.0708 )


Thanks in advance!

Hi @casmeiron, thanks for the post.

The default UI used within the SDK is the same UI as the Zoom client. As the client changes over time, the SDK will follow.

Videos on gallery view are not center aligned anymore, they are on top. This is concerning to us, could you confirm such change indeed was performed? If yes, is there any way to change it like it was, programmatically?

The client has indeed changed the meeting UI since the 5.0 release. There is no way to modify the default UI at this granular of a level within the SDK. The only option available if the default UI does not meet your needs would be to utilize a custom meeting UI.


Hi @jon.zoom,

Weird because this is a print from the latest Windows ZOOM SDK CLIENT.

As you can see, the videos are center aligned and not on top. Shouldn’t they look the same?


Hi @casmeiron,

For various reasons, the desktop clients vary in both appearance and available features in comparison to the mobile clients. If you would like to provide feedback on this (or any) aspect of the Zoom client, we would love to hear from you through our feedback form. :slightly_smiling_face:


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