Generate Join URL from user input on page

Currently I am attempting to generate a join url from a page where meetings are scheduled. The user creates the time and duration of meeting and creates a guest list of attendees with their email addresses. I need to send a join url to all attendees emails with the details of the meeting. I believe I have something that might work just need to know if I am headed in the right direction or not see below code.

function execute() {
  const url = "";
  const options = {
    method: "GET",
    headers: {
      "Accept": "application/json"
	if(ScheduledMeeting.MeetingTypeId == MeetingType.Virtual){
	"me", //For user-level apps, pass the *me* value instead of the *userId* parameter. 

	"agenda":'Scheduled Meeting',

	"default_password": True, //If this value is true and the user has the PMI setting enabled with a password, then the user's meetings will use the PMI password.

	"type": 2, //A scheduled meeting

	"pre_schedule": false,//Whether to create a prescheduled meeting via the GSuite app.

	"settings": {
       		 "host_video": true,
       		 "participant_video": true,
       		 "join_before_host": false,
        	 "mute_upon_entry": false,
        	 "watermark": false,
        	 "use_pmi": false,
        	"approval_type": 2,
        	"audio": "both",
        	"auto_recording": "none",
        	"enforce_login": false,
        	"registrants_email_notification": true
        	"waiting_room": true,
        	"allow_multiple_devices": true
		"encryption_type": "enhanced_encryption"
				invitees = []
				invitees.push(@user.EmailAddress)// this will create an array for all the invited guests to the meeting
	"registrants_confirmation_email": true, //Whether to send registrants an email confirmation

	"start_time": document.getElementById(ScheduledMeeting.MeetingTime).value,//Pass the value stored in the TIME txtbox,

	"duration": document.getElementById(ScheduledMeeting.MeetingDurationMinutes).value,//pass the value from the Duration txtbox,

  fetch(url, options).then(
    response => {
      if (response.ok) {
        return response.text();
      return response.text().then(err => {
        return Promise.reject({
          status: response.status,
          statusText: response.statusText,
          errorMessage: err,
    .then(data => {
    .catch(err => {



Thank you for posting in the Zoom Developer Forum. You can accomplish that workflow with the Zoom SDK. Looking at the sample code, the only thing that seems problematic is you are using me as the parameter user value. Instead, you want to make that parameter property dynamic to accomplish your desired workflow.

Please let me know if this helps or if you have any additional questions.