Get account name without additional scopes

We have an active production app with the single scope (meeting:write). We have users who add multiple Zoom integrations to their account, and we would like to help them distinguish between those connections. We’ve come to learn that the endpoint ( does not work (we get the error below).

Q#1: Is it possible to get the user email associated with the Zoom account without having to add additional scopes?

Q#2: Our app is in the marketpalce and we have active users. If we submit a new marketplace application with the amended scopes, would tokens for current users be revoked? Is the integration going to be paused while pending approval? the warning message we’re getting is unclear.

When calling /users/me, we get:
Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [user:write:admin, user:read:admin, user:read, user:write, user_profile].

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Hey @ahmadn,

No, it is not possible to read user details without having the user:read:admin scope added to the app in question.

While the application is pending approval, nothing will change about the current, live, application for existing users. When the app is approved, your users will get an email indicating that there was an update. Once the user authorizes the updated app, then you’ll be able to call the API on their behalf. Other than that, integrations will still work but you won’t be able to access the modified scope.

Further, changes to the scope will apply immediately to your development environment.


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