Get Meeting ID After It's been Created

Hello Zoomer’s,
I have a quick question. Regarding the meeting id.
I am creating a proof of concept. The way the app works will be
We will create a meeting On Behalf of the user zoom account, So basically we will have our api and secret key.
Here is the flow.

  1. Create an OAuth App , already have a ClientID and SecretKey --working
  2. When i click the local Test on Zoom --working
  3. It redirect me to zoom permission page --working
  4. So after giving the permission, it will redirect to the callback url which is fine, while will return a code
    and that code will get the access token and refresh token —which is working
  5. I tried to create a zoom meeting and verify on my zoom website – it is created successfully

Now my question is that how get the meeting id after the meeting is created this is where i got stuck.

Looking on line 100 it only return the information of the user not the meeting id

@BoyBawang ,

I have not tested out your code.

When you make a POST request to create the meeting, the response should give you all the details related to the newly created meeting.

What are you getting in your response by the way?