Get recurrence type for editing a meeting

Hi!, we are creating and editing meetings through the Rest API. The problem comes when the user wants to create recurrent meetings and later edit them because for editing a recurrent meeting I need to have the recurrence type that I set when I created the meeting, but the API ( only returns a list with all the occurrences without any information about recurrence type.

Application flow:

First, we are calling the web service to get all the information about the meeting created and displaying it to the user (It must include the recurrence type). Later, the user edits the fields that he wants and return the information again to the server to be edited.

We are in an impasse at this moment, how can we get those values for recurrent meetings again?

Hi Jason, 

Currently, our Retrieve a meeting API does have the capability to return the recurrence type. I will reach our to our Engineers to see if we can support this in any of the upcoming releases. 
