Get the associated Google Calendar resource ID for a Zoom Room via API?

Is it possible yet to retrieve the calendar resource ID for a Zoom Room via the API? I found this topic from 2020 but there was never an update from Zoom.

I’m trying to look at Zoom Room metrics and need a reliable way to map the Zoom Room data to the associated Google Calendar resource. I can get the calendar resource ID from the List calendar resources API like this:

{   "calendar_resource_email": "", 
    "calendar_resource_name": "My Room (3) [Meeting, VC]", 
    "assigned_room_id": "aPl5PxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGQ", 
    "sync_status": "Success", 
    "calendar_resource_id": "niExxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx7g" },

But I can’t find a way to map that calendar_resource_id to anything in Google. Is there a way to do this via the API?